S.T.F. on Facebook's Promotion

Posted by miss.jinx81 in ,
Wohoo! It's day 2 and I'm happy to see entries for the promotion.

I'm not familiar with some of the books mentioned, but I must say my interest is piqued. For sure, my reading wishlist will be considerably longer after this.

I've received some queries about the mechanics and I realized that there's a need for me to post more details. Total newbie. :)

My "poster" was made for Facebook users, so I figured I should write my mini-FAQ here.

Q. Why the promotion?
A. Banking on the popularity of Facebook, I've created Stranger Than Fiction page so I can publish news for my  ebay store. Eventually, I've expanded its purpose to be able to interact with like-minded individuals here and abroad.

Recently, I just received my 100th feedback from ebay users. As a way to celebrate and at the same time find  more book loving netizens, I've decided to launch a promotion for my Facebook page.

Q. What will I win?
A. I'm giving away these:
1st Prize- 1000Php National Bookstore GC (valid till July 2011)
2nd Prize - 1 Hardbound copy of The Lost Symbol (by Dan Brown)
3rd Prize - 500Php National Bookstore GC (valid till July 2011)
4th Prize - 1 Trade Paperback copy of The Red Pyramid (by Rick Riordan)
*Prizes are non-convertible to cash.

Q. Cool stuff. What do I need to get a chance to win these?
A. Follow these simple steps:

     1. If you are not yet a fan of Stranger Than Fiction:
    • Log on to your Facebook account.
    • Visit Stranger Than Fiction's page. You can do a search, or and you can also click here.
    • At the top of the page, you'll see a Like button. Click on that button to become a fan.
     2. Click the Discussions Tab.
     3. Click on My All-Time Favorite Fiction Book link. This is where you share your favorite book :)

Q. How will you choose the winner?
A. There is no specific criteria. Winners will be picked from the names of fans/members with an eligible entry. Might sound fancy, but my "electronic" raffle will be done with the help of a simple Java program. I will discuss this on another post. *promise*.

Q. How will I know I'm eligible?
A. The ad might be vague on this but here goes:
  • One must have a Facebook account and must like Stranger Than Fiction Page.
  • Entry must be posted within the specified period: August 13 - September 13 2010.
  • One entry per person only.
  • A person can only win once.
  • You must be residing in the Philippines.

Q. How will I know I won?
A. As soon as I'm done with picking the winners, I will be posting them on my Facebook page and in this blog. I will be sending detailed instructions via Facebook.

Q. How do I claim the prizes?
A. I will ship the prizes for free.

Q. Is this connected with National Book Store?
A. Well I am not affiliated with National Book Store, although I am a proud owner of a Laking National Card... 

When deciding on what gift certificate to purchase, National Book Store's nationwide coverage was the prime factor. I love Powerbooks and Fully Booked but I'd also like netizens from Visayas and Mindanao to enjoy the prize.

I hope this makes the mechanics less hazy. If anyone still has a question, feel free to send me a message.

Thank you and I hope to hear from you soon :)


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