Guardian of the Gate

Guardian of the Gate (Prophecy of the Sisters, Book 2)

The ultimate battle between sisters is nearing, and its outcome could have catastrophic consequences. As sixteen year-old Lia Milthorpe searches for a way to end the prophecy, her twin sister Alice hones the skills she'll need to defeat Lia. Alice will stop at nothing to reclaim her sister's role in the prophecy, and that's not the only thing she wants: There's also Lia's boyfriend James.

Lia and Alice always knew the Prophecy would turn those closest to them against them. But they didn't know what betrayal could lead them to do. In the end, only one sister will be left standing.

Trouble is brewing. The spirits are getting restless. Lia must frantically search for answers and at the same time find her own strength as her sister grows more and more powerful each day. She has spent the past eight months preparing for that impending battle. Her skills as a Spellcaster is improving, but she still feels hers is no match against Alice.Lia is determined to prevent Samael and his army's entrance to the physical world.

But the souls are taking desperate measures to make that happen. They managed to get Sonia to betray her. And even used Lia's deceased brother, Henry, in an attempt to further her cause.

Fortunately for our heroine, allies- old and new- step in to provide assistance. Enter Dimitri Markov, an enigmatic member of the Grigori who has broken several rules in order to help her. At the moment, he seems to be one of the few people that Lia can trust. But each day they are together, something stirs inside her and she starts to question her own feelings for James, the one she has left behind in New York.

In this second (definitely more compelling) installment of the Prophecy of Sisters trilogy, Michelle Zink has pumped up the action. She gives us a tour of Altus, a secret place where the Sisters and Brothers live. Once again, I felt that the description is lacking. I fail to clearly imagine the place, how the people live in those days. Although her characters keep us busy, I find myself being bothered by the lack details.

I'm glad that she introduced several new characters.Dimitri's character is much better compared to James. I can't help but think that Michelle Zink is more inspired writing about the former compared to the latter. Could it be the Markov is Lia's destiny? What of James? Will he become Alice's pawn?

The book ends with a cliffhanger. With the successful retrieval of the missing page of the book and the possible location of the third key, things look bright for Lia. But Alice made it clear that she will not be cooperating when the time comes. Lia might be able to locate the keys, but without Alice, her effort will be all for naught.

So how can Lia make Alice fulfill her end of the prophecy?


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