Outside My Comfort Zone

Posted by miss.jinx81 in , , ,
PerfumeI'm a self-confessed sucker for fairy-tales.

If you'd have a chance to take a peek at my book collection, you'd notice right away that romance novels take up most of the space. Aside from the obvious kilig factor, I like them because they are predictable.Girl meets boy. Girl gets into trouble and boy appears as a knight in shining armor. And they live happily ever after.

Well, unless the author is a man. Apparently a man's idea of romantic is killing off one or both main characters.

So I'm constantly challenging myself to read something other than the usual. Something that I won't normally choose to read when I get home from work.

Why Perfume? I once underwent a phase where I tried to read every Psychological books that I can get my hands on-specifically about serial killers. The morbid side of me that doesn't come out often. I wonder if Patrick Suskind will be able to impress me with his character. Will he be as intriguing as Jack the Ripper? As cunning as Hannibal Lecter?

I'll find out soon...


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