The Red Pyramid

Since their mother’s death, Carter and Sadie have become near strangers. While Sadie has lived with her grandparents in London, her brother has traveled the world with their father, the brilliant Egyptologist, Dr. Julius Kane. 

One night, Dr. Kane brings the siblings together for a "research experiment" at the British Museum, where he hopes to set things right for his family. Instead, he unleashes the Egyptian god Set, who banishes him to oblivion and forces the children to flee for their lives.

Soon, Sadie and Carter discover that the gods of Egypt are waking, and the worst of them--Set--has his sights on the Kanes. To stop him, the siblings embark on a dangerous journey across the globe--a quest that brings them ever closer to the truth about their family, and their links to a secret order that has existed since the time of the pharaohs.

After Percy Jackson, Rick Riordan introduces not one-but two new heroes. This time, we tag along the Kane siblings as they embark on an adventure. Carter and Sadie's lives change as they unlock the secrets of their bloodline and their ties to the Egyptian pantheon.

Like Percy Jackson books, the story is told in first person. Carter and Sadie take turns in narrating their experience. Must be confusing, but Riordan did such a good job that I did not have difficulty following the story. The characters are also delightful. Who would have thought of adding an albino alligator (named Phillip of Macedonia) into the story?

All in all, this is a good read for young adults and the young at heart. My only regret is that  my limited knowledge of Egyptian gods slowed my momentum. But the author has succeeded in capturing my interest. So there, I'm looking forward to the next book in this series.

If you're hoping to read some sort of Percy Jackson crossover in this book, then you'll be disappointed. Although there was a line that clearly implies that the Egyptian gods are also aware of the existence of another pantheon of gods in Manhattan.

In the future, perhaps?


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