Featured Author : Lynsay Sands

Posted by miss.jinx81 in , ,
*This was earlier posted in my multiply site.

Amongst fiction works, historical romance novels would always take the number one spot in my book list. Ewww! That's a common reaction that I hear. Soft porn - one of my friends would often attempt to summarize historical romance with these words. Err, I have no defense for the steamy pages. And never mind those cheesy covers. But what I do know is that, once you've read a few romance novels, you'd learn to skip those naughty pages (read: they are all the same!).

Why then would I waste precious hours reading one? One, I love history. Although I'm sure that the authors do extensive research for some novels (some may even have degrees in history), I doubt if they are 100% accurate. Reading about characters in a medieval (my favorite) setting is like travelling back in time.

Two, there's a bit of an anglophile in me (most of the books in this genre are set in England). I once devoted my time to trace the roots of British monarchy and researched on the lives of their famous rulers. Thanks to the fertile imagination of these authors, I swear they become more human in my mind.

Three. It's the only way you get to meet the perfect male specimen. Ahem, no offense meant guys.

So, since I've begun exploring new authors on this genre (other than Deveraux, Garwood and McNaught), I shall endeavor to share to those interested, my new finds. First up, is Lynsay Sands. Lynsay Sands was actually introduced to me by my friend. When I raided her house to hunt for books, she told me to try Sands' works.

Lyndsay Sands is a Canadian best selling author. She writes historical and paranormal (Argeneau Vampire series) novels. She is known for her humor. For now, I really didn't care much about her paranormal series, since I'm really after the historical ones. After reading some of her books, I'd say she's unique for she has this knack for getting her characters in awkward situations. Witty retorts are ever present, of course. But she seems to relish in making her characters suffer embarrassing moments. Here are a few of the books I read:

  • Pirate Lady - A female captain of a pirate ship has to present herself into society, aiming to snag a titled gentleman, in order to claim her inheritance. Quite hilarious. Aye, aye captain - er milady!
  • The Key - A novel about chastity belt. How cool is that?
  • The Chase - One headstrong woman leads her betrothed to a wild goose chase.
  • Bliss - The lord and lady of neighboring lands are always at each others throat and complaining to King Henry about it. The king is getting tired of the missives that bear these complaints and is seeking to put an end to this. The solution? Marrying them off to each other.
For a complete list of her books, drop by her official website.

A bit of caveat - the web site's background is bloody red - too much for my taste. Reading the excerpts, though really fun, gave me headaches afterwards.

Happy reading :)


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